Social and Economic DataBase: News 2018
Decree No. 2017-1819 of December 29th, 2017 regarding the Social and Economic Committee specifies the operating procedures of the CSE (Comité Social et Economique), resulting from the merger of the three authorities:
- Staff representatives,
- Company committee,
- Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee.
The economic and social database (BDES) or single database (BDU -base de données unique) gathers the information necessary for consultations and recurrent information from the Social and Economic Committee (CSE).
It must at least include the following information:
- social, material and immaterial investment;
- indicators relating to professional equality;
- Shareholders’ capital;
- debt;
- social and cultural activities;
- all elements of compensation for employees, managers and financiers as well as the company’s financial flows.
Since January 1st, 2018, the architecture, content, and operation of the BDES may, in companies with fewer than 300 employees, be determined by a majority company agreement, or in the absence of a trade union delegate, an agreement between the employer and the CSE adopted by a majority of full members, or failing that, an industry agreement.
It should be recalled that the Economic and Social Database is mandatory for companies with more than 50 employees.
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